Ed Raube Broken Wand Ceremony (January 2020 Event)

Immediately preceding the Darryl Rose Lecture on Monday, January 6th, 2020, we will hold a brief Broken Wand Ceremony for our friend, Ed Raube, who passed away on November 6th, 2019.

Ed donated his magic collection to the Ring. We would like to build an I.B.M. Ring 130 Magic Library of books and DVDs with donations from Ed Raube and Scott Skjordhal (who passed away a couple of years ago).

This library will be one of many exclusive benefits for current I.B.M. Ring 130 members, free of charge.

Visit Ed Raube’s I.B.M. Ring 130 profile page for more details about Ed.

A broken wand ceremony is a ritual performed at the funeral of a magician, in which a wand — either the wand which the magician used in performances, or a ceremonial one — is broken, indicating that with the magician’s death, the wand has lost its magic.

The first broken wand ceremony was held in 1926, after the death of Harry Houdini. The Society of American Magicians continues to hold an annual ceremony at Houdini’s grave.

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